Source Code:-
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 | # Required Module-1 :- pip install tk # Required Module-2 :- pip install forex-python from tkinter import * from tkinter import ttk from forex_python.converter import CurrencyRates root = Tk() root.geometry( "660x350" ) root.title( "Currency Converter" ) root.config(bg = "gray75" ) root.option_add( "*TCombobox*Listbox*font" , "None 10 bold" ) def convert(): Currency_Convert = CurrencyRates() orignal_currency = c1.get() # Get the Orignal Currency converted_currency = c2.get() # Get the Currency in which you want to Convert Orignal Currency amount = float (C_input.get()) # Get the Amount of Orignal Currency rate = Currency_Convert.convert(orignal_currency, converted_currency, amount) return C_output. set ( round (rate, 5 )) # display the converted Currency into second EntryBox Label(root, text = "CURRENCY CONVERTER" , font = ( "Arial 28 bold underline" ), bg = "gray75" ).place(x = 100 , y = 2 ) Label(root, text = "Orignal Currency:-" , font = ( "verdana 20 bold" ), bg = "gray75" ).place(x = 35 , y = 80 ) C_input = StringVar() Entry(root, textvariable = C_input, font = ( "verdana 20 bold" ), bg = "khaki" , width = 8 , bd = 2 , relief = RAISED).place(x = 350 , y = 82 ) currency1 = [ "USD" , "AUD" , "CAD" , "CHF" , "INR" , "JPY" , "NZD" , "EUR" , "GBP" , "NOK" , "SGD" , "CZK" , "MXN" , "PLN" , "RUB" , "TRY" , "ZAR" ] c1 = ttk.Combobox(root, value = currency1, font = ( "verdana 19 bold" ), width = 5 , state = "readonly" ) c1. set ( "Select" ) = 520 , y = 83 ) Label(root, text = "Converted Currency:-" , font = ( "verdana 20 bold" ), bg = "gray75" ).place(x = 10 , y = 150 ) C_output = StringVar() Entry(root, textvariable = C_output, font = ( "verdana 20 bold" ), bg = "seagreen1" , width = 8 , bd = 2 , relief = RAISED).place(x = 350 , y = 152 ) currency2 = [ "USD" , "AUD" , "CAD" , "CHF" , "INR" , "JPY" , "NZD" , "EUR" , "GBP" , "NOK" , "SGD" , "CZK" , "MXN" , "PLN" , "RUB" , "TRY" , "ZAR" ] c2 = ttk.Combobox(root, value = currency2, font = ( "verdana 19 bold" ), width = 5 , state = "readonly" ) c2. set ( "Select" ) = 520 , y = 153 ) Button(root, text = "CONVERT" , font = ( "verdana 20 bold" ), bg = "hotpink" , bd = 4 , command = convert).place(x = 260 , y = 240 ) root.mainloop() # Follow me on Instagram:- @python_with_shubham |
# Required Module-1 :- pip install tk # Required Module-2 :- pip install forex-python from tkinter import * from tkinter import ttk from forex_python.converter import CurrencyRates root = Tk() root.geometry("660x350") root.title("Currency Converter") root.config(bg = "gray75") root.option_add("*TCombobox*Listbox*font","None 10 bold") def convert(): Currency_Convert = CurrencyRates() orignal_currency = c1.get() # Get the Orignal Currency converted_currency = c2.get() # Get the Currency in which you want to Convert Orignal Currency amount = float(C_input.get()) # Get the Amount of Orignal Currency rate = Currency_Convert.convert(orignal_currency, converted_currency, amount) return C_output.set(round(rate, 5)) # display the converted Currency into second EntryBox Label(root, text = "CURRENCY CONVERTER", font = ("Arial 28 bold underline"), bg = "gray75").place(x = 100, y = 2) Label(root, text = "Orignal Currency:-", font = ("verdana 20 bold"), bg = "gray75").place(x = 35, y = 80) C_input = StringVar() Entry(root, textvariable = C_input, font = ("verdana 20 bold"), bg = "khaki", width = 8, bd = 2, relief = RAISED).place(x = 350, y = 82) currency1 = ["USD", "AUD", "CAD", "CHF", "INR", "JPY", "NZD", "EUR", "GBP", "NOK", "SGD", "CZK", "MXN", "PLN", "RUB", "TRY", "ZAR"] c1 = ttk.Combobox(root, value = currency1, font = ("verdana 19 bold"), width = 5, state = "readonly") c1.set("Select") = 520, y = 83) Label(root, text = "Converted Currency:-", font = ("verdana 20 bold"), bg = "gray75").place(x = 10, y = 150) C_output = StringVar() Entry(root, textvariable = C_output, font = ("verdana 20 bold"), bg = "seagreen1", width = 8, bd = 2, relief = RAISED).place(x = 350, y = 152) currency2 = ["USD", "AUD", "CAD", "CHF", "INR", "JPY", "NZD", "EUR", "GBP", "NOK", "SGD", "CZK", "MXN", "PLN", "RUB", "TRY", "ZAR"] c2 = ttk.Combobox(root, value = currency2, font = ("verdana 19 bold"), width = 5, state = "readonly") c2.set("Select") = 520, y = 153) Button(root, text = "CONVERT", font = ("verdana 20 bold"), bg = "hotpink", bd = 4, command = convert).place(x = 260, y = 240) root.mainloop() # Follow me on Instagram:- @python_with_shubham