Source Code:-
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 | # LUDO DICE ROLLER USING TKINTER AND PIL from tkinter import * from PIL import Image, ImageTk import random root = Tk() root.geometry( "550x580+100+10" ) root.config(bg = "lightpink" ) dice = [ "dice 1.png" , "dice 2.png" , "dice 3.png" , "dice 4.png" , "dice 5.png" , "dice 6.png" ] def Ludo_Dice(): color = [ "yellow" , "lightgreen" , "khaki2" , "orange" , "lightblue" ] change_bg = random.choice(color) Frame(root, width = 280 , height = 280 , bg = change_bg, relief = GROOVE, bd = 7 ).place(x = 130 , y = 80 ) dice_roll = random.choice(dice) img = Image. open (dice_roll) img = img.resize(( 230 , 230 )) photo = ImageTk.PhotoImage(img) L = Label(root, image = photo) L.image = photo = 153 , y = 102 ) Label(root, text = "LUDO DICE ROLLER" , font = ( "None 30 bold" ), bg = "springgreen" ).place(x = 70 , y = 10 ) Frame(root, width = 280 , height = 280 , bg = "khaki2" , relief = GROOVE, bd = 7 ).place(x = 130 , y = 80 ) Button(root, text = "Roll the Dice" , font = ( "None 25 bold" ), command = Ludo_Dice, bg = "orange" , bd = 5 , activebackground = "orange" ).place(x = 155 , y = 380 ) Button(root, text = "Exit" , font = ( "None 25 bold" ), command = exit, bg = "indianred1" , bd = 5 , activebackground = "indianred1" ).place(x = 220 , y = 470 ) root.mainloop() # Follow me on Instagram:- @python_with_shubham |
# LUDO DICE ROLLER USING TKINTER AND PIL from tkinter import * from PIL import Image, ImageTk import random root = Tk() root.geometry("550x580+100+10") root.config(bg = "lightpink") dice = ["dice 1.png", "dice 2.png", "dice 3.png", "dice 4.png", "dice 5.png", "dice 6.png"] def Ludo_Dice(): color = ["yellow", "lightgreen", "khaki2", "orange", "lightblue"] change_bg = random.choice(color) Frame(root, width = 280, height = 280, bg = change_bg, relief = GROOVE, bd = 7).place(x = 130, y = 80) dice_roll = random.choice(dice) img = img = img.resize((230, 230)) photo = ImageTk.PhotoImage(img) L = Label(root, image = photo) L.image = photo = 153, y = 102) Label(root, text = "LUDO DICE ROLLER", font = ("None 30 bold"), bg = "springgreen").place(x = 70, y = 10) Frame(root, width = 280, height = 280, bg = "khaki2", relief = GROOVE, bd = 7).place(x = 130, y = 80) Button(root, text = "Roll the Dice", font = ("None 25 bold"), command = Ludo_Dice, bg = "orange", bd = 5, activebackground = "orange").place(x = 155, y = 380) Button(root, text = "Exit", font = ("None 25 bold"), command = exit, bg = "indianred1", bd = 5, activebackground = "indianred1").place(x = 220, y = 470) root.mainloop() # Follow me on Instagram:- @python_with_shubham