1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 | # Follow @python_with_shubham from tkinter import * from tkinter import messagebox as msg root = Tk() root.geometry( "620x380+380+150" ) root.title( "Voting Age Checker" ) root.config(bg = "yellow" ) # create a function for checking Candidate Age def check(): name = Name.get() age = Age.get() if age > 18 : msg.showinfo( "valid for Voting" , f "{name}, You can Cast the Vote because your Age({age}) is above 18." ) elif age < 18 : msg.showinfo( "Not valid for Voting" , f "{name}, You can not Cast the Vote because your Age({age}) is below 18" ) Label(root, text = "Candidate Age Checker for Voting" , font = ( "None 25 bold underline" ), bg = "yellow" ).place(x = 50 , y = 20 ) # Label for Name Label(root, text = "Enter Name:" , font = ( "None 20 bold" ), bg = "yellow" ).place(x = 70 , y = 100 ) # Entry for Name Name = StringVar() Entry(root, textvariable = Name, font = ( "None 20 bold" ), bg = "lightpink" ).place(x = 250 , y = 100 ) # Label for Age Label(root, text = "Enter Age:" , font = ( "None 20 bold" ), bg = "yellow" ).place(x = 80 , y = 180 ) # Entry for Age Age = IntVar() Age. set ("") Entry(root, textvariable = Age, font = ( "None 20 bold" ), bg = "lightpink" ).place(x = 250 , y = 180 ) Button(root, text = "Check" , command = check, font = ( "None 20 bold" ), bd = 4 , bg = "springgreen3" ).place(x = 270 , y = 260 ) root.mainloop() |
# Follow @python_with_shubham from tkinter import * from tkinter import messagebox as msg root = Tk() root.geometry("620x380+380+150") root.title("Voting Age Checker") root.config(bg="yellow") # create a function for checking Candidate Age def check(): name = Name.get() age = Age.get() if age > 18: msg.showinfo("valid for Voting", f"{name}, You can Cast the Vote because your Age({age}) is above 18.") elif age < 18: msg.showinfo("Not valid for Voting", f"{name}, You can not Cast the Vote because your Age({age}) is below 18") Label(root, text="Candidate Age Checker for Voting", font=("None 25 bold underline"), bg="yellow").place(x=50, y=20) # Label for Name Label(root, text="Enter Name:", font=("None 20 bold"), bg="yellow").place(x=70, y=100) # Entry for Name Name = StringVar() Entry(root, textvariable=Name, font=("None 20 bold"), bg="lightpink").place(x=250, y=100) # Label for Age Label(root, text="Enter Age:", font=("None 20 bold"), bg="yellow").place(x=80, y=180) # Entry for Age Age = IntVar() Age.set("") Entry(root, textvariable=Age, font=("None 20 bold"), bg="lightpink").place(x=250, y=180) Button(root, text="Check", command=check, font=("None 20 bold"), bd=4, bg="springgreen3").place(x=270, y=260) root.mainloop()